Rwandan tea has always been very important to teapigs. As part of our ethical scheme we’ve supported the tea-growing communities there for the past 12 years and our founders, Nick and Louise, have recently returned from a week-long visit to Rwanda with our charity partner, The Point Foundation. They were able to witness first-hand how our donations are used on a daily basis, and this has spurred us on even more in our mission to give back to these wonderful communities.
We currently donate from every pack of english breakfast, a blend of three black teas, one of which is Rwandan (that’s the one that gives it such a wallop!). Rwanda happens to be something of a tea taster’s hidden gem, growing some of the best tea in the world, and this gave us the brilliant idea of creating a single estate Rwandan blend. We would develop a wonderful product which gives a beautifully powerful and intense tea and, at the same time, raise even more money for Rwanda. The perfect plan!
Louise immediately sprang into action and our new product, Single Estate Breakfast Tea, is the result of her endeavours, with 100% of the tea sourced from the Pfunda tea estate near Gisenyi. It’s brisk and strong, it withstands a good amount of biscuit dunking (essential for any black tea), and the best part? 50p from each pack - our biggest donation to date - will go The Point Foundation as part of our ethical scheme.
What makes this tea even more special is its packaging. You will notice that it differs somewhat from our usual range, and this is because it was created by a student from the House of Children, a Rwandan school supported by teapigs for a number of years. We thought it would be wonderful to involve the students by running a summer pack design competition, and we absolutely love the top entry by Muhire, aged 9. During their recent visit, Nick and Louise were lucky enough to meet this young lady and present her with the packs of tea showcasing her prizewinning talents.
Louise, our tea taster says:
‘A single estate breakfast tea like no other – it’s strong, tastes great with milk and is an ideal replacement for your regular cuppa! And it does good too – what’s not to love!?’
We’ll be launching the tea later this month, so keep those eyes peeled for more information.
12年,我們一直致力回饋茶莊。創辦人Nick和Louise最近就聯同慈善機構The Point Foundation去了盧旺達一星期,去看看善款如何得以善用。也鼓勵我們要更努力回饋當地社區。
Louise為此推出單品早餐紅茶。紅茶來自於鄰近盧旺達吉塞尼的Pfunda茶莊,茶味濃郁,十分適合浸餅乾(所有紅茶都不可或缺的條件)。每售出一包更會捐出50便士(折合約$5港幣)予慈善機構The Point Foundation到我們的慈善計劃到我們的慈善計劃。這也是至今為止每包捐贈最高的金額。
有別於以往的紙盒包裝,這次是由House of Children的學生設計。盧旺達學校House of Children透過慈善計劃所籌得的善款以繼續營運。我們舉辦了夏日包裝設計比賽,讓學生參與其中。比賽由9歲的Muhire勝出。Nick和Louise藉此行帶同製成品送給Muhire。